Qubole Partners with Microsoft Azure

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November 18, 2014 by Updated May 7th, 2024

Qubole-MicrosoftBy Marcy Campbell, Qubole SVP of Sales & Business Development

Today I am excited to announce a new strategic relationship with Microsoft Azure, an important step towards fulfilling our mission to make big data solutions more accessible to more people on more platforms. Microsoft partners and Azure customers can now bring their Azure subscription to Qubole’s self-service, Big Data-as-a-Service, and leverage a full-stack environment for Hadoop, Hive, and Presto in a timely, cost-effective manner on Microsoft Azure.

Big data, and more specifically, the insight gained from big data, is dramatically changing the way organizations conduct business with their customers, create new products and services, and develop new market strategies. At Qubole, our customers use our service to become more competitive, drive new products to market faster, and increase their top-line growth.

IDG’s Enterprise Big Data Research study (Please see here) revealed that 70% of enterprises have either deployed or are planning to deploy big-data-related projects. This reflects what our customers tell us: that there is an insatiable appetite for managing big data. Qubole is meeting this demand.

How? Every month, Qubole is processing over 80 Petabytes of data on the cloud. We are processing data at a scale that is almost unfathomable, and one that certainly very few other companies can claim …if any. And now we are offering even greater value to reach new enterprise customers by partnering with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft’s ecosystem of partners.

While at Qubole, I have been fortunate to be a part of some of the most amazing projects of my career, watching companies with brilliant data teams turn cloud data into business growth. It’s thrilling to witness our customers expand their data capabilities as they deploy Qubole across their entire organization while not having to deal with the complexity and costs of setting up and managing the compute and storage infrastructure required.

And it’s been fun to enable many projects across different industry verticals. Adtech was a natural starting point for a born-in-the-cloud solution like Qubole, as companies in the digital advertising ecosystem require the elasticity of the cloud to react to the ever-shortening customer feedback loop.

However, as more and more companies move data into the public cloud, we are servicing custom big data apps in marketing, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, real estate, and financial services. The value of these apps immediately increases when they are integrated with an intelligent big data platform ‘as-a-Service.’ Qubole’s value has a multiplier effect once deployed inside these organizations as our solution equips them with a self-service platform to access, process, and collaborate, so they can do more with big data and unlock greater potential over time.

Qubole is proud to be a partner-centric organization and our relationship with our systems integration partners is extremely important to our continued success. We recently worked with XCentium, a Microsoft partner based in Los Angeles, to enhance a pharma customer’s website with Hadoop-powered insight, allowing the firm to gain valuable insights into customer feedback. And we have partners delivering custom apps managed by Qubole to query data around music and gaming usage, online retail customer data, and manufacturing, and financial services data.

So, if you are a Microsoft solution provider with competency in SQL Server, Business Intelligence, Data Platforms, or Azure, we would like to work with you to help customers of all sizes and industries access big data. By partnering with us, you will be able to leverage the Qubole Data Service to quickly deliver business value to organizations by developing new ways to analyze their ever-increasing amount of data. And since QDS is delivered as a service, there is no upfront capital expense. Customers pay only for what they use when they use it while drawing from their existing Azure subscriptions. Less capital expense on hardware leads to a wider scope of professional services for projects. 


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