Sharing Notebooks as Parameterized Dashboards

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August 2, 2017 by and Updated April 15th, 2024


Qubole Notebooks give data scientists and data analysts an easy way to interact with data stored in Cloud data stores such as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Store, etc. They provide a unified environment in which to execute code and explore the results, and their sharing capabilities allow data scientists and analysts to use them as collaborative tools.

But the consumers of the data—business users acting on these results—are not programmers. Sharing the entire notebook could lead to potential problems:

  • Access to code:
    • May lead to accidental modification of code
    • May lead to screen space dominated by code
  • Access to code execution:
    • May lead to overuse of cluster resources


Qubole has built Dashboards on top of Notebooks to overcome these limitations while improving collaboration among data scientists, data analysts, and business users. Dashboards have the following features:

  • Dashboard Users: With the introduction of Dashboards there will be a new group of users—Dashboard-only users.
  • Dashboard Dropdown: Business users can use QDS to work with published dashboards from a separate dropdown.
  • Parameterized Inputs: Dashboards can be created with parameterized inputs, allowing dashboard-only users to manipulate the data by changing the input variables.
  • Authentication: Dashboard-only users go through the same authentication as the other users of QDS and must meet the same requirements, as set by the enterprise.
  • Access controls: Dashboard-only users will not have access to the code, and QDS administrators can set limits on the cluster resources they can use.
  • Concurrency: Multiple users can concurrently view and modify the parameterized inputs with no impact on other users’ views of the dashboard.
  • One-to-many mapping: Multiple dashboards can be created from a single notebook, allowing notebook users to publish sections of the notebook as different dashboards to different groups in their enterprise.


Dashboards are in Beta. Please create a Qubole Support ticket if you want to try out this new capability. For directions on using this feature. The following 2-minute video provides a brief description of Dashboards.

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